Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα digestive system CA. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα digestive system CA. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων




According to an international study

  New York - Women who regularly drink green tea, face a lower risk of developing bowel cancer, stomach or esophagus, according to new international research.

The researchers, led by epidemiologist Zeng Wei School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, USA, who published their study in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, focused on more than 69,000 middle- and third-aged women in China for a decade, and found that many (19,000) drank green tea at least three times a week were on average 14% less likely to develop cancer of the digestive system.

The risk was even lower for women who drank regularly and for long periods green tea. Women who drank green tea daily for over 20 years, had reduced odds by 27% to 29% for the occurrence of any cancer of the digestive system.

However, the research does not prove to what extent the same green tea is engaged to this protective effect, as those who drink it, usually have generally healthier diet (more fruit and vegetables) and life. However, researchers have tried to isolate the benefits of green tea, so they made ​​sure that none of the women participating drinks too much alcohol or smokes regularly.

Furthermore, data was collected for the rest of the diet of women, the degree of physical exercise, weight, medical history, and other lifestyle factors.

Even when taken into account all the above factors, continued to apply the relationship between green tea consumption and a reduced risk of cancer.

Previous studies have reached to rather contradictory conclusions about the relation between cancer and green tea. The main reason of doubt is that it is impossible to isolate  from the whole diet, the effect of a single food and to associate it absolutely convincingly with the possibility of cancer.

Lab experiments with animals and human cancer cells cultures provide clear evidence that green tea actually has potential anticancer activity, probably by some antioxidant chemicals it contains, which protect cells from various forms of damage that could result in cancer.

In conclusion, the new study does not prove that if one begins to drink green tea will prevent cancer, but one should take into account that, according to the experts, and this kind of tea should be drunk in moderation as it contains caffeine, which could have negative effects for some people.

Green tea, amongst the others, contains Vitamin K, which could reduce the action of drugs such as anticoagulants in the blood. Therefore, especially the elderly who often take several medications, should first consult their doctor before starting to drink green tea on a regular basis.