Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα mediterranean diet. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα mediterranean diet. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων


Source: ANT1 News 


The Mediterranean diet, which is internationally considered as eminently beneficial to health, especially cardiovascular, seems to acquire "competitors".

A new Finnish scientific research relies on hygiene dimension of Nordic food, so-called 'dietary nomad ", which also has to show "credentials" for lowering cholesterol, although to a lesser extent than the Mediterranean diet. 
The researchers, led by Professor Mati Ouousitoupa of the Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition at the University of Eastern Finland, who made the publication after in the medical journal "Journal of Internal Medicine", according to the British "Telegraph" reported that the Nordic diet which is rich in game, fish and fruits, can reduce the risk for heart. They argue that it can be an alternative to the Mediterranean diet, especially for Northern Europeans is not always easy to adapt to the dietary habits of southern Europeans.
The new research was based on a small sample of 166 obese people from different Nordic countries, who ate either freely or by the "diet nomad". Both groups of volunteers consumed the same number of calories every day, but the second group of "nomad" ate more fruit (such as currants or cranberries), more fish (three times per week), more local vegetables, only whole grains and low-fat (butters, etc.).


Even a simple meal junk-food, mainly consisting of saturated fats, does great damage to the health of the arteries of the body, unlike the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in "good" fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, according to another - this time Canadian - scientific research.

Researchers at the Heart Institute of the University of Montreal, headed by Professor of Medical School Anil Nigkam, published in the "Canadian Journal of Cardiology" and cardiology conference in Toronto, that the Mediterranean diet may have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.

The researchers found that after eating just only a meal of garbage-eating, the arteries of the study participants had expanded by 24% less than when they had eaten nothing, thus restricting the flow of blood. In contrast, those who had eaten Mediterranean-style meals, resulted with normally dilated arteries and normal blood flow.